Pack REsources

Agenda for Pack Meetings

pack Meeting Themes

Making Memories, Self-Discovery, Empowerment and Having Fun

School Year Themes:

Summer Themes:

Pack 122 Code of Conduct

1. Be welcoming to new and different people.

2. Treat others with dignity and respect.

3. Keep your hands, feet, body parts and your objects to yourself.

4. Listen when others are talking.

5. Wait your turn.

6. Work as a team.

7. Be honest and tell the truth.

8. Be kind and use good manners.

9. Be positive - "I can do it" or "I will try"

10. Do not be disruptive or interfere with another Scout’s ability to fully participate in activities.

Penalty Guidelines for not following the Code of Conduct:

1st Offense: Dismissed to a "Quiet Area" to miss 5 minutes of activity.

2nd Offense: Dismissed to a “Quiet Area” to miss 10 minutes of activity.

3rd Offense: Requested departure from the event. Try again next time.

*Registered Leaders have the discretion to dismiss egregiously disruptive or misbehaving Scouts at any time, regardless of penalty guidelines.

*Registered Leaders have volunteered to run the program for participating Scouts.

Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children—there are no drop-offs.

The BSA Swim Test

The BSA Swim Test is taken at Camp Cherry Valley, Task Scout Reservation, Cabrillo Campgound, etc. 

Googles are not allowed to be used during the swim test. 





Scout Oath, Law, Motto